Balance Rotation Progression
For the balance rotation exercise, bring one leg up, place your foot flat on the ground and go ahead and check your belly breathing. So put one hand on your chest, one hand on your stomach. Take a deep breath in. Make sure you can balance really well there that you feel really comfortable. That you're up nice and tall with your head and posture in a good alignment. Now go ahead and bring your foot as far in as possible toward the middle so that you're balancing. As that becomes more difficult, get into a position where you can still maintain your breath, but still feel a little bit challenged. Then you can bring your arms down. And what I want you to do is come up onto your toes on that front foot, and then drop your heel down. Lift your toes up. Good, making sure that you can maintain that balance. he next thing we're going to check to make sure we're in the right position, go ahead and bring your arms up overhead and back down. Repeat that a couple times. Make sure you're able to get nice and tall, and you're able to repeat this without losing your balance. Now on this next one, raise your arms above your head and rotate. Good. Keep that front knee from collapsing in. Rotate as far as you can and then rotate the other direction. Making sure you're able to maintain your full rotation. Go ahead and repeat.