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If you could snap your finger and instantly master one thing what would it be?
What test would you do if you could only pick one test to perform on a baseball player?
What are the key elements of return to sport testing?
Best Courses for Athletic Trainers For Working with Athletes with Back or Neck Pain
As athletic trainers, historically our education on low back pain has left a lot to be desired. Since a lot of athletes and active individuals (e.g. factory workers) have low back pain, it is important that...
This episode of the Performance Talk podcast is a must listen! Here are some of the many pearls in the podcast:
- It's easy to make things sexy and complicated. It's really hard to make things foundational, accurate and efficient.
- Consistency with intensity and intent in...
Being a performance rehabilitation provider coach is like spinning seven different plates at once. You remember that, from the circus, where a guy would start spinning one plate and go down the line and spin the plates on a stick? And by the time he got to the last one, the first one...
Here’s how I do heel raises now, and it has helped my rehab and performance clients a lot.
How often are you incorporating manual resistance with your patients and clients? Manual resistance can provide an incredible stimulus to improve tissue quality and tensioning abilities. It allows you to provide resistance at the exact right force that the tissue needs at particular ranges of...
This is an essential position to perform all arm care exercises in.