
Lumbar Locked Thoracic Rotation Procedure, Reliability and Normative Data thoracic rotation

When considering which specific tests we would perform after movement screening, both ankle dorsiflexion and thorax (or thoracic) mobility would be at the top of our list (particularly in the overhead athlete). Performing this test gives invaluable information and it has proven to be...

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MLB Combine Tests for Performance Development baseball dorsiflexion functional movement functional movement screen mlb mlb combine rom sfma thoracic rotation y balance test

Wondering how MLB Combine tests are used for player development? See how the Selective Functional Movement Assessment Top Tier MovementsFunctional Movement Screen, range of motion (including all shoulder, elbow and hip range of motion; thoracic rotation; and half kneeling...

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Scapular Stabilization with Lower Trunk Rotation scapular stability thoracic rotation

This is one of my favorite scapular stabilization exercises. To me, one of the important cues is to bring knees toward the palms. This helps keep the lumbar locked (encourages rotation in lower thoracic spine).

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