
MLB Combine Tests for Performance Development baseball dorsiflexion functional movement functional movement screen mlb mlb combine rom sfma thoracic rotation y balance test

Wondering how MLB Combine tests are used for player development? See how the Selective Functional Movement Assessment Top Tier MovementsFunctional Movement Screen, range of motion (including all shoulder, elbow and hip range of motion; thoracic rotation; and half kneeling...

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When Can I Return to ____ (Fill In the Blank with Your Activity)? functional movement screen return to sport

Dr. Jenna Gourlay and I discuss advising patients on when they're clear to resume activity after rehab and how to empower them to become aware of their own readiness.

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The SFMA and Its Role In Telehealth functional movement screen

Dr. Jenna Gourlay and I discuss how the SFMA can be utilized in telehealth. 

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Systematic Injury Prevention: Group Testing Case Study functional movement screen injury prevention

Testing One Team Case Scenario

The head coach of the men’s soccer team has requested your consultation to assist with implementing an injury prevention system in preparation for the upcoming season. The soccer team has been plagued with time loss injuries to key players, resulting in...

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Are you hitting roadblocks with your injury prevention efforts? functional movement screen injury prediction injury prevention injury risk move2perform

A True Tale of Two Teams: Team #1

A soccer team wanted to reduce injuries. Well, not exactly.  The real passion for injury prevention came from a local physical therapist who wanted to reduce injuries on this particular soccer team. The PT volunteered his time and implemented the FMS and...

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Does the Functional Movement Screen Predict Injury? Common Misconceptions functional movement screen injury prediction injury risk


The purpose of the Functional Movement Screen is to: 
  1. Set a movement baseline
  2. Identify major problems with basic...
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