
90-90 Posterior Chain Elongation posterior chain straight leg raise pattern toe touch

This is a great exercise for helping restore someone's toe touch or active straight leg raise pattern. To perform the exercise correctly, start by putting the ball between your knees, and you're going to be squeezing that ball together while you straighten the knees out, bringing the heels...

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Secrets to Engineering Athletic Performance: From Youth to Professionals continuing education
Nothing beats the satisfaction you feel when one of your players accomplishes a big goal, from throwing with more velocity to jumping higher over the net for the kill or being faster on the basketball court.
As rehabilitation professionals, we have a tremendous opportunity to impact the...
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Recommended MedBridge Courses for Athletic Trainers and Sports Physical Therapists ceu ebp medbridge nata boc

This year is a CEU reporting period for my wife and me as PTs and ATCs. While most of my CEU was taken care of with research publications and presentations, Melody had to primarily complete hers online.

So as she completed her CEU, I had her identify her favorite and most valuable courses....

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Exploring Popular Questions About Evidence-Based Practice acl arm health low back pain webinars

The goal of this course is to provide real-world application of the research in clinical practice by addressing common questions that rehabilitation professionals may have in a variety of areas.

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Learning Objectives

  1. ...
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