This is an essential position to perform all arm care exercises in.
For sprinter's stretch, we're going to have everything in a line. So we're going to have that front heel down, the knee is going to be right behind the front foot there, and then the back foot is in a line. Our hands are going to go on the inside of the up knee. And then we're going to straighten...
With this posterior chain exercise, we're going to start by putting the ball between the knees. We're going to squeeze that in together, and then we're going to straighten out the knees, bringing the heels up toward the ceiling, toes toward the nose and bring the arms up. And we're going to...
For the toe touch progression we're going to start with the balls of our feet up on the board with our heels down on the ground. Our feet are going to be completely together and we're going to put a towel roll between our knees. We're going to reach up toward the ceiling, really getting a good...